Iranian Horror Story (Blue Girl)

Mike Pompeo claimed on 22 of september 2019, that Iranian regime is a bloodthirsty regime and looking to start war in the region. Rouhani Claims however, American who claim such matter has only been a nation that expanded instability and insecurity in the regions. He claims Iranian regime has brought security and stability to the region.

However, all these back and going forward only causes more instability for people of iran, for people whose daily life has narrowed to stressing what will be the price of an item when they will wake up next day. however today we have to focus on the fact that such a negligence and pathetic actions that regiom has taken has unfortunately spilled even into a simple matter. woman and football.

It is worth to mention I would like to personally point out, it is shameful to see and such mockery to discuss the right of woman to watch football. It has been such a long standing issue in Iranian society that woman do not have access to stadiums. It is so stupid at the start we all laughed about it and now everyone is shedding tears.

Why should we have such issue so intense that a girl burns herself to become the symbol of woman wanting to enter stadiums ?

The blue girl is the new actress of this never ending series, I am saying this because I would like everyone to know there has been many blue girls, people who haven’t got payed for years, people who could not obtain medicine and lost their loved ones and many many more who committed to the same act that blue girl has done. in a sense to me it seems the blue girl was bolded and exaggerated in the TV and Internet more than it should be. but well, not all the actors and actresses will be the famous one ? In other hands, it is good for the whole world to see that iranian people has gone such a miles toward madness and that preferred burning and killing themselves rather than pursuing their goals using legal systems. Systems that do not exist and so corrupted that eventually prove people to commit to suicide to at least move other people.

Blue girl death is the star of such a show, a never ending TV series based on serial killer whose directors have been the same for many remaining years and many years before its world wide debut. It is a movie, so symbolic that its star hope people will follow onto their footsteps and stand behind the ideology, a movie whose directors however, will enjoy squeezing more blood on land of Iran to prove their powers and perhaps feed their thirst for blood. It almost resembles a real life experience of American Horror History (hotel) where a hotel was built to disguise a torture chamber within its wall with hallways and routs so dead end no voice could even reach to outside world. But fortunately in our Iranian Horror History, one voice has made it out and I hope this scream is so loud it reaches not only people all over the world but also people whose head were inside their own bubbles and neglected and ignored such a matters. I hope this chapter of Iranian history of violence shows people that It is time to hold their hands together and stand against this corrupted region that gathers such a devils together hand in hand to puppeteer all Iranian people. They are not animals nor man, these directors are simply a true face of Satan.

I hope we do learn something from the blue girl incident, and hope we start to look around to see there are many blue girls too.