Head of natural disaster organisation recently spoke during live tv about the current situation with the constant flood in Iran. “We visited the sites with floods, even those with ruined life are now happy, nature is beautiful, trees and streets have been washed and it’s the gods call for us”. Meanwhile once you dig in Instagram and social media all you can see and hear is people screaming for their lives or crying for their houses and business buried under mud after flood or completely wAshed out and gone with water. Approximately 50 deaths, and millions of dollar in damage and government claims everyone is happy.its during new Iranian new year, and the so called holiday has turned to a funeral for entire country. Instead of letting people know they are aware of the hefty damages in country, they are after arresting people for publishing videos in social media and spreading false news. How is a truck slipping through mountain and crushing houses is spreading false news.
Basically the entire world is watching and there is nothing we can do. Even if I was leader of a country I would have opted to deliver help personally rather than cooperating with government to deliver help because you will never know if the help gets delivered or it melts into cash and goes through corrupted channels within the government. Other people in government are keeping quite.
Now, as I have discussed before, Iranian regime is good at forging media and reality into the way they want. Couple days ago a picture leaked from Shiraz which they experienced the worst flood in the country. A team from Iranian television with the head off handling natural disasters supposedly reaching to help a helpless woman from the water, meanwhile the camera man and other crews are laughing at what seems to be a whole made up setup just for creating a fake news as if the help is now active. I do not understand in what level of this seems to be funny and joke to government. 50 people died, 1000s lost business and houses in situation where economy won’t allow them to recover easily specially with the state that public insurance companies are handling matters, and they are sitting and laughing on their asses and counting money. As if this country is a Gladiator stadium and they only watch the blood bath and enjoy finest of seats and foods. I would like to point out people from government visiting damaged sites solves no issue. There has been earth quakes and etc, etc and no ones problem has been solved to this very date. Everyone gets ignored in the end and people will also forget because they are so busy with their own problems.
The point of this article is the same story as Harvesting foie gras, it’s banned in Australia because animal activists believe it’s the inhamune way to force feed the docks even if the farm is considered to be a ethical farm. The fact is many people would enjoy this delicious delicacy despite of its cruel nature of production and in the other hands many Vets have discussed that ducks actually lack sense of Gagging thus if the process is conducted properly ducks will not be subject to harm, in the end many animals go through slaughter houses to be processed and placed in butchers and shops. In our case, our people also lack the sense of pain because they have suffered so much, they will end up getting slaughtered for the enjoyment for other as a form of delicacy (sounds harsh but trust me it’s how it is in different ways), meanwhile government claims everyone is ok and happy and they drag any topic in that people are sensitive on (e.g religion) to claim what has happened is will of him* and who are we to interfere wit it. many people lack the capacity to help one another and we are weak
It is very sad to see this situation and it is very disgusting to see some people use it as an advantage to set stages to show how good they are in their fake jobs. Everyone and everything within this country is acting and living more than double life, and you can’t tell what is real and what is not. But in perspective this adds more strength to the point that I have been trying to hold out on my weblog and it’s the fact that everything is constructed in a way that is advantageous for make the state of government stronger.