To many people Golshifte Farahani stabbed her values and cultures in the back, however to many she showed that as an Iranian woman, who was limited by the Regime rules, she was able to break free from it. With all her fear within herself, she embraced her beauty publicly after leaving Iran. But the real question is that why she did it ?
was it because she was seeking to migrate easily ?
was it because she was hungry for fame and money ?
I believe she wanted to stood by Iranian woman, I like to believe she imagined she will be part of lost war but a winner of a battle.
As an Iranian who takes interest in mediums of photography that are strictly prohibited by Regime, I do love to portrait beauty of the woman,photographs below shows how we, humans, belong to the nature, are as beautiful as the nature, sometimes I believe nature itself is naked and we are traversing on her beauty. indulging ourselves in the nature without clothing for me is a way to show our respect and tribute to it.
Unfortunately, Iranian Regime frames everything within Religion as Taboo, supreme leader times and times has called many successful people handyman’s of the devil, Government has prosecuted people who have defended nature life in Iran because they want to pour more money in their pockets by building and selling.
Pictures below are scream and protest against these motos and slogans of Iranian regime.
For freedom of woman.
[mk_image src=”” image_width=”2760 ” image_height=”2887″ crop=”true” lightbox=”false” frame_style=”simple” target=”_self” caption_location=”inside-image” align=”middle” margin_bottom=”10″]